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Jennifer Perrine

Jennifer (JP) Perrine is the author of four books of poetry: AgainThe Body Is NoMachineIn the Human Zoo, and No Confession, No Mass. Their recent poems and essays appear in Cincinnati Review, Pleiades, Nimrod, New Letters, Poetry Northwest, Orion Magazine, Southern Indiana Review, Plant-Human Quarterly, Harpur Palate, Oregon Humanities, and Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, and Poetry. They cohost the Incite: Queer Writers Read series and guide nature-based mindfulness and writing experiences.


Jennifer (JP) Perrine is the author of four books of poetry: AgainThe Body Is No MachineIn the Human Zoo, and No Confession, No Mass. Their recent poems and essays appear in Cincinnati Review, Pleiades, Nimrod, New Letters, Poetry Northwest, Orion Magazine, Southern Indiana Review, Plant-Human Quarterly, Harpur Palate, Oregon Humanities, and Cascadia Field Guide: Art, Ecology, and Poetry. They cohost the Incite: Queer Writers Read series and guide nature-based mindfulness and writing experiences.