Colors hiding in the fields. Having fled
my eyes in a sudden mutiny. A revolution
rare among visual glitches.
City rendered sad, a cold faded etching.
Egg yolks the color of cream. Blood stains
uncarnadined. Startled birds white
on a gray laurel hedge.
Went to sleep with the reds and yellows
I’d known since infancy. Must have set them
down in a dream. Forgot to pick them up
on my way out.
Grass the color of iron. Day the color
of dusk. Titanium sky. Deadpan leaves
gather on my silver path. They push open
the gate for me. Skitter laughing.
This is the fading of all shining things.
Including my once effortless glimmer.
Come to me said the radiance
and they came. Bowed. Made offerings.
Lillo Way
Lillo Way's collection, Lend Me Your Wings, was released in May 2021 by Shanti Arts Publishing. Her chapbook, Dubious Moon, won the Hudson Valley Writers Center’s SHP Chapbook Contest. Her poems have won the E.E. Cummings Award and a Florida Review Editors’ Prize. Her writing has appeared in New Letters, Poet Lore, Tampa Review, Louisville Review, andPoetry East, among others. Way has received grants from the NEA, NY State Council on the Arts, and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation for her choreographic work involving poetry.