We Want Your Writing.

Haunting photograph of a door overlaid with shadows from a window. Text reads, The Maine Review, Issue 10.1, Photography by Madeleine Soich, Design by Avanti. N.

Then she asked how long it would take to get there. As if we’d never made the trip before.


Katie Zeigler

While having a famous father-in-law is not literally the least interesting thing about me, most days it hovers suspiciously close to that designation.

The Name Dropper

J Brooke

Let’s mince words:
growing up, idioms weren’t a piece of pie.

Idiom Idiot

Alfredo Antonio Arevalo

Community-Supported Literature

Maine Review Publications is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to making contemporary literature accessible to readers and writers of all incomes. Help support our mission and donate to our Community-Supported Literature program.

We Want Your Writing.

Send us work that you’re excited about, that took courage to begin and tenacity to complete. Send us your proudest personal essay, your classic short story, your reboot of the villanelle, or your wildest experimental text. Send us your flash fiction or nonfiction. Send your epistle, erasure, hybrid, prose poem, or micro memoir.

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