We Want Your Writing.

One of these days I’m gonna drive this piece of shit into the ocean, is what I tell you. But it’s your baby, you say. Junk baby.

Cold Engine


Tiffany Leong

A woman here for unrelated reasons and donning what can only be described as a coat made of pink feather boas gives birth to a howling infant. It’s not mine, she screams. But we all think it’s hers.

Sadness, Followed by Anger


Liana Meffert

Again she has us all dressed up
as men, the best of men, each of
her sisters, sisters to each other.

Beloved Disciple


Megan McDermott

Community-Supported Literature

Maine Review Publications is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to making contemporary literature accessible to readers and writers of all incomes. Help support our mission and donate to our Community-Supported Literature program.

We Want Your Writing.

Send us work that you’re excited about, that took courage to begin and tenacity to complete. Send us your proudest personal essay, your classic short story, your reboot of the villanelle, or your wildest experimental text. Send us your flash fiction or nonfiction. Send your epistle, erasure, hybrid, prose poem, or micro memoir.

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